In the past we’ve tried to have team dinners around Christmas time to celebrate the year gone by. Year after year people become busier making it harder to gather everyone together. This year we mixed it up and had out celebratory dinner in January. We had members of our core team as well as two of our board members present to enjoy a wonderful meal celebrating an amazing 2023.
We’re so grateful for the people around this table. Zoe Community would not be what it is without this group (as well as those who were not able to attend). This group is involved in everything from prayer, administration, therapy, operations, and key decision-making.
God has blessed us with a strong, compassionate group of people who walk alongside us to see Zoe Community become a reality and to finally launch this year!
You are part of this team as well. Thank you for all your prayers and support. You are part of our celebration as we see God do amazing things through Zoe Community!